Constructs a dsdl2.mixer.Chunk from a vanilla Mix_Chunk* from bindbc-sdl
Gets the raw PCM audio data buffer for the dsdl2.mixer.Chunk
Wraps Mix_FadeInChannelTimed which plays the chunk on the first available free channel with a fade-in effect
Equality operator overload
Wraps Mix_PlayChannelTimed which plays the chunk on the first available free channel
Gets the hash of the dsdl2.mixer.Chunk
Formats the dsdl2.mixer.Chunk into its construction representation: "dsdl2.mixer.Chunk(<mixChunk>)"
Wraps Mix_VolumeChunk which gets the volume of the chunk
Wraps Mix_VolumeChunk which sets the volume of the chunk
Wraps Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders and Mix_GetChunkDecoder which return a list of chunk decoders
Wraps Mix_HasChunkDecoder (from SDL_mixer 2.0.2) which checks whether a chunk decoder is available
Internal Mix_Chunk pointer
D class that wraps Mix_Chunk storing an audio chunk for playback