Constructs a dsdl2.Palette from a vanilla SDL_Palette* from bindbc-sdl
Constructs a dsdl2.Palette and allocate memory for a set amount of dsdl2.Colors
Constructs a dsdl2.Palette from an array of dsdl2.Colors
Proxy to the dsdl2.Color array of the dsdl2.Palette
Gets the length of dsdl2.Colors allocated in the dsdl2.Palette
Dollar sign overload
Equality operator overload
Indexing operation overload
Gets the hash of the dsdl2.Palette
Formats the dsdl2.Palette into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Palette([<list of dsdl2.Color>])"
Internal SDL_Palette pointer
D class that wraps SDL_Palette storing multiple dsdl2.Color as a palette to use along with indexed dsdl2.PixelFormat instances