Constructs a dsdl2.Color from a vanilla SDL_Color from bindbc-sdl
Constructs a dsdl2.Color by feeding in red, green, blue, and optionally alpha values
Constructs a dsdl2.Color by feeding in an array of red, green, and blue, with alpha being 255
Constructs a dsdl2.Color by feeding in an array of red, green, blue, and alpha
Proxy to the alpha transparency value of the dsdl2.Color
Static array proxy of the dsdl2.Color
Proxy to the blue color value of the dsdl2.Color
Proxy to the green color value of the dsdl2.Color
Proxy to the red color value of the dsdl2.Color
Formats the dsdl2.Color into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Color(<r>, <g>, <b>, <a>)"
Internal SDL_Color struct
D struct that wraps SDL_Color containing 4 bytes for storing color values of 3 color channels and 1 alpha channel.
dsdl2.Color stores unsigned byte-sized (0-255) red, green, blue color, and alpha channel values. In total there are 16,777,216 possible color values. Combined with the alpha (transparency) channel, there are 4,294,967,296 combinations.