Constructs a dsdl2.Version from a vanilla SDL_version from bindbc-sdl
Constructs a dsdl2.Version by feeding in major, minor, and patch version numbers
Gets the static array representation of the dsdl2.Version
Formats the dsdl2.Version into string: "<major>.<minor>.<patch>"
Proxy to the major version value of the dsdl2.Version
Proxy to the minor version value of the dsdl2.Version
Compares two dsdl2.Versions from chronology
Proxy to the patch version value of the dsdl2.Version
Formats the dsdl2.Version into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Version(<major>, <minor>, <patch>)"
Internal SDL_version struct
import std.stdio; writeln("We're currently using SDL version ", dsdl2.getVersion().format());
auto minimumVersion = dsdl2.Version(2, 0, 0); auto ourVersion = dsdl2.getVersion(); assert(ourVersion >= minimumVersion);
assert(dsdl2.Version(2, 0, 2) > dsdl2.Version(2, 0, 0)); assert(dsdl2.Version(2, 2, 0) >= dsdl2.Version(2, 0, 2)); assert(dsdl2.Version(3, 0, 0) >= dsdl2.Version(2, 2, 0));
D struct that wraps SDL_version containing version information