Constructs a dsdl2.Vertex from a vanilla SDL_Vertex from bindbc-sdl
Constructs a dsdl2.Vertex by feeding in the position, color, and texture coordinate
Proxy to the color of the dsdl2.Vertex
Proxy to the position of the dsdl2.Vertex
Proxy to the texture coordinate of the dsdl2.Vertex
Proxy to the X texture coordinate of the dsdl2.Vertex
Proxy to the Y texture coordinate of the dsdl2.Vertex
Formats the dsdl2.Vertex into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Vertex(<position>, <color>, <texCoord>)"
Proxy to the X position of the dsdl2.Vertex
Proxy to the Y position of the dsdl2.Vertex
Internal SDL_Vertex struct
D struct that wraps SDL_Vertex (from SDL 2.0.18) containing 2D vertex information
dsdl2.Vertex stores the position of the vertex, color modulation (as well as alpha), and mapped texture texCoordinate.