Constructs a dsdl2.Keymod from a vanilla SDL_Keymod from bindbc-sdl
Constructs a dsdl2.Keymod by providing the flags
Checks whether either of the alt keys is pressed
Checks whether either of the ctrl keys is pressed
Checks whether either of the GUI/"Windows" keys is pressed
Gets the internal SDL_Keymod representation
Checks whether either of the shift keys is pressed
Formats the dsdl2.Keymod into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Keymod(<sdlKeymod>, <lShift>, <rShift>, <lCtrl>, <rCtrl>, <lAlt>, <rAlt>, <lGUI>, <rGUI>, <num>, <caps>, <mode>, <scroll>)"
D struct that wraps SDL_Keymod containing modifier key states